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SpringHolidayTravel: Spring BreakTravel, Spring Vacation, Summer Trips & European Travels

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Blackstone's Group IPO: Who Has Access to the Hot Stocks?

As Blackstone shares are red hot, many people stand to benefit from the firm's most recent IPO. First thing first, Blackstone's shares are hard to get. If you were not in on the IPO, tough luck for you. Obviously, there are a few people who will benefit hugely. Chief Executive Stephen Schwarzman stands to benefit a lot. His personal wealth surges at the same time. Names such as Peterson and heir apparent Hamilton James also earned quite a few billions and millions. There is a lot of activity in the private-equity industry. It is booming to say the least.

Other insiders who benefitted are the Chinese government and insurance giant American International Group INC. Last May, China announced a $3 billion investment in Blackstone. Just imagine how much money it is making now.

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